Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

The West Wing!

Okay, I can hear you. You are telling me that I have watched this series until it has come streaming from my eyebrows. And you are so right. I have! I could probably tell you everything you possibly want to know about the series.

Do you know why? Because it is the best series that was ever made. You will have guessed that I have just come to the end of the whole thing - yet again. But you must also realise that I wouldn't be watching it time and time again if it was useless. I have watched a number of programmes on TV that I think are useless, but I won't mention them here.

But The West Wing is great! Just in case you missed it, I will say that again... The whole series is brilliant and I was so disappointed that they didn't carry on with Matt Santos as President - even a few episodes with him as President would have been wonderful. To see Josh and Donna settle into their new jobs... well I can't tell you what that would have meant to me. I am sure a few other million people would have enjoyed it, too.

But it was not to be, so I will continue to watch the original series over and over again. Sad, you might think. But no it isn't. When you look at what is on TV today, then you must appreciate why I enjoy The West Wing time after time.

Okay, I am going to shut up now. But if anyone disagrees with me, then I would love to hear from you.

Meanwhile, I thought we were going to enjoy some lovely springlike weather up here in the Borders. But, apart from Monday, it seems it is not to be. Overcast yesterday and today. What happened? Did someone out there put a dampener on our weather?

Well I think that is all for the moment.

Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing as you only get one crack at it. Tomorrow is a whole new day, new challenges, new ideas and most likely
new problems.... sometimes I think it is best to stick with what we have got.


Chink! Chink!


  1. Cute blog, Eileen. I think you are quite deserving of the #RRBC MOM. Congratulations! Btw, your book sounds really good and creepy--I will add it to my GoodReads "Want to Read" shelf!

  2. Thank you very much for your comment. Hope you enjoy The Trojan Project. Cheers!
